Stereotype threat, coined by Dr. Claude Steele, is the threat of performing something that will confirm or being view as a negative stereotype of one’s social identities.
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A variable scope simply means where in a program that a variable is accessible. Ruby has four type of variable scopes: local, instance, class, and global. Each is declared by using a special character before its name. Ruby also has one constant type variable. It is recommend to use snake_case for naming in Ruby.
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Learning to code had been mostly fun, but there are also getting stuck and frustrated. When I told my friend who is a developer that I’m going to learn coding and getting stuck all the time, he bobbed his head and said “Yup, that’s learning to code for ya. I remembered my struggle to understand a loop within a loop.” and I thought to myself “What the hell is a loop within a loop?!” How I wish he had time and patient to teach this noob about looping.
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In object oriented programming(OOP), codes are written to model objects in the real world. Such object will have its own attributes and behaviors. While the state(data) within the object will set its attributes, the methods(codes) set the behaviors.
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With the advancement of the Internet and web applications, you are now able to do many things on the web. Many of those things involves you to put your personal information on the web, such as your credit card number when ordering on Amazon, or even your bank information when paying that credit card online.
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